Activate Your Authenticate® Account.

Get started with Authenticate® in 3 simple steps!

To activate your Authenticate® Account, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. REGISTER on our portal
  2. Sign the E-Contract- Before you begin your journey of security and protection, you need to sign a contract accessible through your DASHBOARD. This contract entails all the details regarding our terms & conditions. Additionally, this prerequisite is there to ensure the legitimacy of our clients so that we can perform better as an organization. To sign an e-contract, users provide details about themselves (name and date of birth) and their company’s information (name, address, nature of business, and signature). Complete the signing process through Authenticate's partner’s secure platform that automatically provides you with a unique E-Signature if you do not have one. We countersign the agreement within 2-4 hours.
  3. Top-Up your Account- Unlike other SaaS companies that charge minimum monthly commitments and have long-term contracts, we allow you to pay as you go. To activate your account, we will require a minimum deposit of $100 for spending credit that you draw down over time as you use our services. Whether it takes one month or one year, we will only charge you again once your account balance falls below $50. If you have no payment method on file and your account balance falls to $0, your account will automatically suspend itself indefinitely, pending another top-up. Learn more about our pricing here.