Authoritative Database Search (US Only)

Reliable User Verification with Authoritative Database Check by Authenticate®

Authenticate® is dedicated to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of user data by utilizing an advanced verification process that references authoritative databases across the United States and 40 additional countries.

Data Collection and Verification Process

At the beginning of the verification process, Authenticate® gathers essential personal details from users, such as their name, address, and date of birth. In some cases, National Identification Numbers or Social Security Numbers are also collected (partially or whole). This information forms the basis of the identity checks.

Database Cross-Referencing

Once the initial data collection is complete, Authenticate® compares the gathered details against a wide range of reliable sources. These sources include government records and financial institutions, which help provide a thorough review of the user's personal information.

Scoring System

A key feature of Authenticate®'s service is the instant scoring system, which evaluates each piece of information on a scale from 0 to 99. This scoring system offers a clear and immediate data accuracy assessment, enabling businesses to make swift and informed decisions.

Special Features

Among the enhanced identity verification services offered, Authenticate® also includes the ability to check if an individual is deceased. If a user is found to be deceased, no further checks will be conducted on that individual. This unique feature is integrated seamlessly into the platform, aiding in detecting inconsistencies or potentially fraudulent activity by cross-referencing extensive records databases.

Best Practice Recommendation

After completing Identity Verification (IDV), implementing Criminal and Civil Background Checks significantly enhances security measures. It is advisable to utilize the Past Criminal Record Indicator feature immediately following IDV. This feature swiftly indicates whether an individual has a criminal record, streamlining the security process.

However, for a comprehensive assessment, further detailed checks should be conducted. These include exploring specific criminal histories and relevant civil records and providing insights into non-criminal legal actions that could influence decision-making.


For further guidance, please refer to our attached resources and API documentation or contact our support team for assistance.