Facial Recognition & Liveness Detection

Secure Identity Verification with Facial Recognition and Liveness Detection!

Facial Recognition

Authenticate® utilizes advanced facial recognition technology to enhance security and trust in identity verification processes. This technology compares facial features from a user's live selfie with those on their government-issued ID, ensuring that the individual is who they claim to be.

How It Works:

  1. Document Capture
    • Your Users upload an image of their government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, via Medallion.
  2. Live Selfie Capture:
    • Users are prompted to take a live selfie using their camera, and the system guides clear and accurate image capture.
  3. Facial Feature Mapping:
    • The technology maps and analyzes key facial landmarks—such as the distance between the eyes and the jawline shape—from the live selfie and the ID photo.
  4. Correlation Score Generation:
    • A correlation score is calculated to determine the likelihood that the live selfie and the ID photo are of the same person. A high score indicates a match, whereas a low score might trigger further verification steps.

Liveness Detection

Liveness Detection is a crucial component of Authenticate®'s identity verification services. It utilizes iBeta Level 2 anti-spoofing technology to ensure the presence of a real person at the time of verification. This technology is designed to detect and prevent fraud attempts, such as using photographs, videos, or masks during the identity verification process.

How It Works:

  1. Integration with Facial Recognition:
    • During the facial recognition step, Liveness Detection is simultaneously performed to ensure the authenticity of the live selfie.
  2. Detection Techniques:
    • The technology assesses signs of life, such as blinking, facial muscle movements, and depth perception, to distinguish a live person from a static image or video.
  3. Verification Process:
    • The verification is deemed successful if liveness is confirmed along with a high correlation score (we recommend any score ≥ 75 as acceptable) from the facial recognition process.

Both Facial Recognition and Liveness Detection are integral parts of Authenticate's suite of Identity Verification solutions, offering comprehensive and reliable tools for verifying user identities. By employing these technologies, businesses can prevent fraud, meet compliance requirements, and provide a secure and efficient user experience.


For further guidance, please refer to our attached resources and API documentation or contact our support team for assistance.