How to connect Guesty with Authenticate®?

Streamline Your Guest Verification Process with Authenticate's Integration for Guesty

This guide provides a step-by-step process for integrating Authenticate® with Guesty, a property management platform. This integration enables property hosts to perform robust identity verifications and criminal background checks on guests.


Pass Criteria

The pass criteria refer to the standards used to determine the success or failure of various checks performed during the ID verification process using our GUESTY Integration. Below are the detailed criteria used for ID Verification, Criminal Check, Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA), and Financial Account Ownership.

  1. ID Verification Status

    The ID verification status determines the validity and verification level of a guest's ID. The criteria include:

    • valid_and_not_verified: The ID is valid, but it has not been verified through authoritative databases.
    • valid_and_not_us_id: The ID is valid and from a non-US country, with no additional checks supported for these IDs.
    • valid_and_live_match_fail: The ID is valid, but the selfie provided by the guest does not match the photo on the ID.
    • valid_and_verified: The ID is valid and has been verified through authoritative databases.
  2. 7-Year Criminal Report Status

    The 7-year criminal report status indicates the results of the criminal background check:

    • clear: No criminal history was found in the report.
    • requires_review: The report found some results, and further review by the host is recommended.
    • insufficient_data: The check could not be completed due to insufficient data.
  3. KBA Status

    The Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) status reflects the outcome of the KBA process used to validate a guest's identity:

    • Pass: The KBA process successfully validated the guest's identity.
    • Fail: The KBA process could not validate the guest's identity, indicating potential issues with the provided information or the authentication process.
  4. Financial Account Ownership
    The financial account ownership status verifies whether the guest owns the financial account as claimed:
  • Pass: The verification was successful, confirming the guest's ownership of the account.
  • Fail: The verification could not be completed, suggesting discrepancies or issues with the account information provided.

Integration Process

  1. Install the Authenticate® App

    • Navigate to the Guesty marketplace, log on to the portal, or install the Authenticate® app here.
    • Click the"Connect" button.
    • You will receive an API Key from Guesty necessary to enable integration in the Authenticate® portal.
    Screenshot 2024-06-07 133212
  2. Configure the Integration

    • Visit the Authenticate® portal and proceed to the Guesty integration page.
    • Enter the API Key obtained from the previous step into the API Key input field and activate the integration.
    • Set your Pass Criteria and enable additional checks if required.
  3. Operational Flow

    • Once a customer makes a reservation, a verification link is generated and added to the AuthenticatingVerifyURL custom field, irrespective of the reservation status.
    • The link can be sent to guests using a Guesty workflow, allowing hosts to control the distribution of the verification link.
    • Upon the guest's completion of the verification process, the results and the status of any additional checks are immediately sent to the Guesty inbox.
  4. Additional Checks

    • Verify ID (US only): This confirms the guest's ID against authoritative databases. It is necessary to enable the 7-Year Criminal Check.
    • 7-Year Criminal Check (US only): Screens the guest's identity against criminal records and sex offender registries in the US from the past seven years.
  5. Custom Fields

    • AuthenticatingIDStatus: Displays the verification status of the guest's ID.
    • AuthenticatingCriminalReportStatus: Indicates the results of the 7-Year Criminal Check.
    • AuthenticatingVerificationPassed: A binary field indicating whether the guest's verification has passed based on predefined criteria.
    • AuthenticatingVerifyURL: Contains the URL sent to guests for self-verification.
    • AuthenticatingError: Provides details in case a check fails or requires further attention.

Integrating Authenticate® with Guesty streamlines verifying guest identities and conducting background checks, enhancing security and trust for property hosts. Follow these steps to enable a seamless integration experience. For further assistance, please feel free to contact us.