Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Enhanced Security with Authenticate®

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) significantly enhances security by requiring users to present two or more forms of evidence before they can access a website or application. This approach ensures a higher level of protection against unauthorized access.

How It Works

MFA involves multiple checks to confirm a user's identity. The following are methods of verification offered by Authenticate®:

  • Verify Phone
  • Verify Email

Phone Number Verification

A phone number verification process is integrated with MFA to enhance security further.

  1. Initiation: When a user needs to verify their phone number, they provide their number, and the system sends a text message (SMS) containing a verification code.
  2. Confirmation: The user receives the SMS and enters the code into the specified field on the website or app, completing the verification process.

Email Verification

Similarly, email verification is another layer of confirming user identity:

  1. Initiation: The process starts when the user receives an email containing a passcode after their initial request.
  2. Confirmation: The user must enter this passcode on the website or application, which verifies their email and completes the process.

MFA and its associated verification processes for phone numbers and emails are crucial in securing user data and access. By requiring multiple pieces of evidence to confirm identity, organizations can protect themselves and their users from potential security breaches.

For further guidance, please refer to our attached resources and API documentation or contact our support team for assistance.