How does Authenticate® ensure Security?

Comprehensive Security Measures at Authenticate®: Role-Based Access, Cloud-Based Backup, DDoS Protection, and Data Encryption

1. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Authenticate® implements a three-tiered RBAC system to ensure that access is granted according to the user's role:

  • Owner: This top-tier access allows for running checks, configuring workflows, and exclusive access to billing information.
  • Admin: Admins can run checks and configure workflows similar to owners but cannot access billing details.
  • Viewer: Viewers have restricted access, limited to searching and viewing reports, ensuring sensitive actions are reserved for only authorized roles.

2. Cloud Backup

Security is paramount in our backup strategies. Authenticate® uses AWS as its cloud partner, ensuring that all data backups are stored securely and encrypted to the highest standards. Regular testing of restoration processes guarantees that data recovery is swift and reliable.

  • Automated Backup Scheduling: Backups are performed automatically according to a predefined schedule, ensuring that data is consistently backed up without manual intervention, reducing the risk of data loss.
  • Geographically Distributed Storage: To enhance disaster recovery capabilities, data is stored across multiple geographic locations, protecting against data loss in case of regional disruptions.
  • Compliance and Security Audits: Regular audits are conducted to verify compliance with security standards and regulations, ensuring that our backup processes meet or exceed industry requirements.

3. DDoS Protection

Our approach to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is comprehensive and consists of the following:

  • Rate Limiting: This helps mitigate an overflow of requests that could potentially disrupt service.
  • Blacklist and Whitelist: Employing IP blacklisting and whitelisting assures that only legitimate traffic reaches your network.
  • Advanced Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and adaptive security measures are in place to protect against and respond to attacks effectively.

4. Data Encryption

At Authenticate®, we ensure that all customer data is:

  • Encrypted at REST: Using AES-256 encryption, your stored data is secured against unauthorized access.
  • Encrypted in Transit: All data moving between our servers and your devices is protected using TLS, ensuring that your information remains confidential and tamper-proof during transmission.
  • Application-Level Encryption: Sensitive elements such as access tokens and keys are encrypted before storage, providing an additional layer of security.