How to connect Hostaway with Authenticate®?

Streamline Your Guest Verification Process with Authenticate's Integration for Hostaway


Step-by-Step Integration Process

  1. Install the Authenticate App
    • Navigate to the Hostaway marketplace and connect to Authenticate® by clicking on "Connect." You will receive an API Key and Account ID from Hostaway, which are necessary for the next steps.
  2. Configure the Integration
    • Access the Authenticate® portal and go to the Hostaway integration page. Enter the API Key and Account ID you received from Hostaway into the respective input fields. Ensure to activate the integration and save the changes.
  3. Configure the Hostaway Dashboard
    • Setup Listings: Log into your Hostaway account, navigate to 'Listings,’ and click 'Create New' to establish a new listing with essential details like Base Information, Address, Media, and Price.
    • Custom Field Configuration: In the 'Reservations' section, click on 'Custom fields' and create a new custom field:
      • Custom Field Name: Authenticate Verification Link
      • Custom Field Type: Text
      • Is Public: Yes
    • Automation Settings: Use Hostaway’s built-in Automation tool to create an automation setting. Set this to trigger at least 40 minutes after a booking is made to populate the custom field with the verification link. Configure the automated message body to include the verification link, accessible from the 'Fields' dropdown under 'Reservation custom fields'.
  4. Operational Flow
    • Upon a guest making a booking, irrespective of the reservation status, the "AuthenticateVerificationLink" custom field is populated with the verification link. This link is used by the guest to verify their identity on for that specific booking.
    • The configured automation tool sends the verification link to the guest. Upon completion of the verification process, you will receive an email with the results.
  5. Custom Fields
    • AuthenticateVerificationLink: This custom field contains the verification link sent to guests. It is populated within 40 minutes post-reservation creation and is utilized along with Hostaway’s Automation Tool to control when and how the link is dispatched.
  6. Features
    • Guest Search: This feature allows hosts to search for a guest using parameters such as first name, last name, date of birth, and reservation ID. To find a "Reservation ID," navigate to the 'Reservations' page on the Hostaway dashboard, select the appropriate guest reservation, and locate the "Hostaway reservation ID" field.