
How to get help as a customer or a pre-customer

Q: Where do I see my client details and their profile?
A: You can visit our portal and go to the Dashboard. Any user’s information can be found by clicking on their name. Under the Verification section, you can also view the results of criminal background checks and identification verification.
Also, you can use the Search section of the portal to check the details of the users and their profiles. For more information about Search check here. (Add the link to “How and where to search for a specific user?”)

Q: How often is a manual check performed?
A: We only perform manual verification when our software is unable to recognize the specifics of the user-provided ID.

Q: How and where to search for a specific user?
A: To search for any specific user, you can go to the Search section of the portal. You can search for the user through their Name and User Access Code. If you use any of our integration platforms like Guesty or Hostaway, then you can search for the user through their Reservation ID. The fixed standard time frame is 1 month.

Q: Why isn't a user verified despite successful document and selfie verification?

A: The issue could stem from discrepancies such as middle name mismatches or other similar issues. It's advisable to review the user's profile details and verification status for any errors.


Q: How can I access and manage client details and profiles?

A: Client details and profiles can be managed through the admin dashboard. Here, you can view, edit, and update client information as required.


Q: What should I do if a verification shows as NA and I can't manually resume the workflow?

A: An NA status with no manual resume option typically means the identity could not be verified against official databases. If the authentication result is passed, the individual is considered verified, even if the status shows as NA on the user's page.


Q: Why doesn't the guest's information appear in the system despite them completing the process?

A: Ensure the user's details have been correctly entered and populated in the system to prevent such issues.


Q: How do I address verification errors or discrepancies for specific users?

A: To address verification errors or discrepancies, scrutinize the affected user's profile details and verification status. Update any inaccuracies as needed.

Sandbox/Staging Credentials

Q: Is it possible to test your services in a staging environment?

A: No, testing in a staging environment is not available at the moment. Please use our Mock APIs instead.

User Search Functionality

Q: How does the user search functionality operate?

A: The user search function enables you to locate specific users by searching for their name, email, or other identifying details, facilitating easier management of user profiles.

Q: What does a "low digital footprint" error mean when creating a user, and how can it be resolved?

A: A "low digital footprint" error indicates insufficient SSN details or a lack of credit history for the user. To resolve this, review the provided information and, if necessary, seek further support.